2022 Workday attendees. Power washed white fence and trimmed and pruned a lot of trees. Bill (on tractor) hauled off all the limbs to the property nearby. A big thank you for all of those who were able to attend.

When: October 8, 2022, at 9:00 AM to 12 noon
Where: Springer Macedonia Cemetery
Join us at the cemetery to spruce things up. Bring shovels, pruners, rakes, trash bags and a picnic lunch! Help us make our cemetery looks its best!
2022 Barbecue Will be held on Saturday September 17th from 11am to 2pm. Hope to see all of you there for the fellowship, fun and good food.
- 2017 Barbecue
Hello friends! It’s barbecue time again! June 24th from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM or until we run out of food! Last year was an amazing success! By 1:00 PM we were running out of brisket and by the end of the day we had sold out of meat entirely so if you wanna enjoy some of the best barbecue around, come early! Brisket, chicken and sausage will be available along with homemade beans, potato salad, barbecue sauce, pickles, onions, bread and dessert! Pricing is as follows: 3 Meat Plate: $16 2 Meat Plate: $14 1 Meat Plate: $12 Child’s Plate: $6 Dessert: $1 All prices include tea or a soft drink. Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card accepted. We still need volunteers to help in the serving line, clear tables, work in the kitchen, and ferry food in from the pits outside so if you’re interested in helping or have a kiddo that needs volunteer hours please send me an email (macedonia_cemetery@hotmail.com)! We’re also accepting tablecloth donations. If you’ve got a tablecloth in good condition, that you’d like to see put to good use please let us know! I look forward to seeing everyone on the 24th! -Joni
- 2017 Barbecue Committee and VolunteersHello Friends! It’s time, once again, for us to begin planning our annual barbecue. Last year’s event was a huge success. We have a lot of good experience to build off of but I think we have a lot more that can be done. Like last year, we will be forming a committee to plan the event consisting of the board (myself, Bruce, Bruce Jr. Ed and Megan) and any additional volunteers who wish to be more involved with the logistical planning of the barbecue. We will discuss everything from cost saving measures, serving line and kitchen logistics, volunteers and volunteer recruitment, food preparation, event marketing and event promotion. We plan on have 1-2 meetings, preferably one the first week of April and another in May around the time of the annual meeting. Last year, the committee’s involvement was instrumental to the success of the event. Help us make this year even better! Also, you may have noticed last year that we were very short on event volunteers. The wait for food was nearly 30 minutes at one point all because we simply didn’t have enough hands. If you plan on coming to the event and have a little extra time please volunteer! We will have 1.5 hour shifts so please consider helping if you can! As the event nears I will be sending out more information about exactly which volunteer positions need filling and descriptions of each position so you know exactly what you’re getting y As always, please feel free to contact me via email (macedonia_cemetery@hotmail.com) if you’d like more information regarding serving on the committee, volunteering at the barbecue or just to say “hi!” I can’t wait to see all of you in the coming months! Joni Buck President, Macedonia Cemetery Association
- Holiday GreetingsHappy Holidays! I hope you are all enjoying the unseasonably warm December we’ve had so far! It’s hard to believe it’s nearly Christmas. It’s been a slow year for us at the cemetery but I wanted to take the opportunity to update you on the year. The Barbecue First, thank you to everyone who came out to the barbecue and an extra special thanks to everyone who volunteered! We spent a lot of time last spring planning the event and that extra effort paid off! We raised $5,583 in plate sales and donations! Our best year by far! We actually ran out of food! Amazing! I am determined to continue on with this in 2017. Like last year we will be forming a barbecue committee to help plan the event. If you are interested or you have kids and/or grand kids who you’d like to see involved on the committee please let me know. There will be two or three meetings, typically held on the weekend and last no more than a couple of hours. If you can’t commit to serving on the committee please consider helping the day of the event. The wait for food was nearly a half hour and it was due entirely to a lack of volunteers. This is your opportunity to serve the cemetery and your community! Volunteer positions for servers, runners and kitchen helpers are broken up into easy 1 ½ hour shifts. Please consider donating some of your time to help us make this important day a success! Fall Work Day The work day was held on October 8. A small group of us met at the cemetery around 9 AM and spent about three hours trimming trees and bushes on the property. The next work day is April 29. I’ll send our more information as the day gets closer but for now save the date and hope for good weather! Financials This year the cemetery association has received $7,670.84 and has dispersed $3,861.82. Our 2017 Annual Meeting will be held on May13 at 2 p.m. I encourage you to attend; I know your time on the weekends is at a premium but the annual meeting is when all the business decisions regarding the cemetery get made and it’s imperative that we have your input. We will vote on a maintenance contract, set a budget for next fiscal year and elect officers. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending. If you don’t live nearby or cannot attend please feel free to send your comments and suggestions to the board via email or US mail prior to the meeting. Important Dates: April 29 – Spring Work Day May 13 – Annual Business Meeting June 24 – Barbecue If you didn’t get a chance to make it to the barbecue this year and you’d like to make a donation, please do! Checks can be made out to Macedonia Cemetery Association and can be mailed to P.O. Box 22, Hockley, TX, 77447. We can also accept donations via PayPal and all major credit cards (click Donate, from there click on the Paypal logo and PayPal will walk you through the rest). Thank you all for your continued support of our beautiful cemetery. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! Sincerely,
Joni Buck President, Macedonia Cemetery Association
- 2016 Barbecue ResultsWe’ve had a few weeks to crunch the numbers and the results from the barbecue are in! We raised a whopping $5580, making this our most successful barbecue ever! After a disappointing year last year, the barbecue committee focused our efforts on marketing prior to the event and improving the experience at the event itself and all this work paid off in spades! Starting with moving the serving time to 11:30 to ads in local papers and community calendars to adding banners and signage along the road all our planning was worth it. Serving started at 11:30 and by noon the line stretched to the door (not an uncommon occurance for the beginning of the barbecue) but by 12:30 when my husband arrived, he couldn’t find a parking place and the line had began to wrap around the fellowship hall, a full half hour wait. At 1:00 we began to run out of food! Potato salad went first, followed by barbecue sauce and sausage. At some point we also ran out of take out containers and plastic utensils! At 3:00, a half hour after our planned end time, we finally served our last plate and started to pack up. When it was all said and done we only had a half a brisket left over and 6 whole chickens. For three and a half hours I sat at the cashier’s table in shock as the line to the door never disappeared. We saw a lot of familiar faces but a lot of new ones, as well. We saw people who were familiar but we hadn’t seen in a while. We saw police officers. We saw young, old and everything in between. I had a lot emotionally invested in the barbecue this year. After much worry and disappointment last year I knew the cemetery NEEDED this to go well. By the time I got home at 7 PM and sat down to eat my own (very cold) plate of barbecue I was exhausted and nearly in tears. What a wonderfully fantastic day! So THANK YOU to everyone who came out to eat with us! THANK YOU to the handful of volunteers that spent part (or all!) of the your Saturday helping us! THANK YOU to everyone who brought homemade sides and desserts! And an extra special THANK YOU to the people who served on the barbecue committee! Our next event is the fall workday to be held on October 8, 2016 at 9 AM. I hope to see some of you there!
- The Barbecue is Here!After months of planning the barbecue is finally here! We will start serving at 11:30 AM and go until 2:30 PM or until we run out of food. Plate prices are as follows: 1 Meat – $10 2 Meat – $12 3 Meat – $14 Child’s Plate – $5 Dessert – $1 Sodas – $1 Bulk Meats are also available: 1 lb Brisket – $15 Whole Chicken – $12 1/2 Chicken – $6 Sides – $1.50 Take out containers will be available. For the first time EVER we will be accepting credit cards! Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted forms of payment. Macedonia United Methodist Church 23391 Macedonia Road Hockley, TX 77447 I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces tomorrow!